Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Even More Technology

I have been doing my very best to get my head around coping with two things that scare me - technology self promotion!  I have been busy creating profiles for myself, and I would love, love, love if you would follow me.  

There is of course the ubiquitous facebook page here - LucieDiamonds
And there's twitter here - LucieDiamonte - because someone had already taken my name!
Then there is DeviantArt - LucieDiamonds
And the BetweenCreation network - LucieDiamonds
And lastly there's Flickr - LucieDiamonds244

Is there anything I'm missing?  I have created an etsy sellers account but I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do next, I've dealt with enough scariness today, and I shall leave that for another!

I would be ever so happy if you stopped by and said hello to me in any of these places :)
See you soon xxx

Wednesday, 21 April 2010


This is something I've been reworking this week, an old picture that I was inspired to go back to by this months Creative Every Day topic which is 'Senses'.  I'm still not entirely happy with it, the squint floorboards are driving me nuts! 

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Into the Ossuary

Well, number 3 is done and I'm totally dissatisfied with it, it's not really how I wanted it to be at all but hey ho, onwards and upwards and all that.  The children have found their way into the ossuary to consult the network of spirits with the problem of how to find their parents, poor little things!

It also seemed quite appropriate for this weeks Illustration Friday topic, 'Linked', I sort of see it as being to do with the exploration of family 'links' and the 'links' we all have with our dead ancestors.  And the Creative Every Day topic this month is 'Senses' so maybe it fits in there too, there's definitely a bit of sixth sense going on there!

I've finally resigned myself to the fact that there's no way on earth I'm going to finish everything on time.  Last week it seemed as though everything was conspiring against me to prevent me from working at all and that put paid to any lingering hopes I had of completion.  I'm still going to finish the whole series , if only for my own peace of mind but it gets harder to work the warmer it gets and the more time the children want to spend outdoors, and both their birthdays are coming up, and we're going back to France soon so who knows when I might finish.

Anyway, it's Sunday afternoon and it's sunny and there's no way I'm sitting inside today so I shall forget it all for the moment, we're off to the park to play football and embarass the children :)